Tuesday, September 03, 2002

ASU is pissing me off. With such a ginourmous university, you'd think they could keep their goddamn servers up and running! I don't have alot of free time anymore, so when I want to check my email, I want to be able to check it. I can't even get to the main page! At least I had a nice three day weekend. It took me all that time to do my thermo homework, anyways. I kept making stupid mistakes. There's a point in a physics problem when you think to yourself, "It shouldn't be this difficult". Once you get to that point, you've probably done something wrong. Sure, they sometimes have complicated integrals and stuff, but even though they may be long, they are always solveable. The important thing is to make progress. I start to get stressed if I don't make progress, and it's hard for me to enjoy other things. That's why I get in such a good mood when I finish a problem, and I feel like rewarding myself with kisses from Kelly or video games.

Hmm. Let's go see if ASU is online again.

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