Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm here, reporting live from Brookhaven. Man, it's been a crazy couple of days.

I thought I was screwed Sunday night because I spent alot of time playing with Kelly out in the sun, but by the evening I was shivering even though my body temp was high. I didn't think I was sick, because I didn't feel sick. I just had a fever. It was probably just heat stroke or something like that, but it passed sometime in the night and I woke up Monday totally dehydrated. My biggest fear, of course, was getting sick the day before I had to leave for New York, so I was glad I didn't have the flu or West Nile or anything like that. I just made sure to drink lots of water on Monday and not stress myself.

Things were going well after that. I finished all my preparations at ASU and then went home to do laundry. I had a nice evening with Kelly, and I even finished Out so I could discuss the weird ending with Kelly. I was relaxed and slept well, so I wasn't really all that tired at 4AM. My flights went smoothly (very unusual).

But then, as I was first heading out to Long Island from La Guardia in my rental car, I realized what was wrong (there's always something, isn't there?). I had forgotten my ID badge. I can't get onsite without one, and even if I got a temporary one, I wouldn't be able to get into the synchrotron (it doubles as a keycard). So I stressed out a bit as I slowly made my way east through the traffic until I realized that this probably happens alot, so there must be concessions. I did get a temporary pass, and I can probably get access to the NSLS tomorrow morning. Worst case scenario, I have to wait until my real badge arrives via FedEx tomorrow (thank you so very much, Mike Kraft).

Now, since I'm exhausted from a full day of travelling, I'm going to try to relax and get some sleep.

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