Saturday, April 23, 2005

Brookhaven Report #3:
Man, I'm exhausted. I've been working long days, and I've been sick, and it's finally over. I used up all my beamtime, and hopefully my data will be useful. Today I spent on the FTIR beamline looking at some of my samples, and realized that one of them was actually a piece of skin (or something like that)! I actually think I embedded it in sulfur with my sample because there are a number of equally-sized pieces of the same material all over that particular sample. Fortunately, I did get one spectrum of real sample, so it wasn't a complete waste of time, but it's very disconcerting when you fuck up something like that. (No wonder the spectrum of it looked so weird!). Today was also the first day when I didn't feel sick, which pisses me off because for the past three days when I was breaking my back collecting important data I was forcing myself to work when all I wanted to do was crawl in bed because I couldn't replace the lost beamtime. And today all I had to do was watch George collect infrared spectra of my samples.

But the important thing is that I'm done, and now tomorrow I can go home and see Kelly, who I love and miss so much. And eat Jamba Juice for a week (Long Island food is horrible!).

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