Sunday, June 08, 2008


Last night I went on a whim to the M83 show at the Black Cat, and I'm glad I did because it was amazing. I'm a sucker for fuzzy guitars and synths, and M83 has it in spades with an 80's vibe. They released a really good album this year, and they even played several songs from their last album, Before the Dawn Heals Us (not counting the 2007 ambient album), which was very cool. They also had this cool clear plexiglass box with a bunch of dials and blue LEDs that was used to create alot of the electronica sounds (or maybe to pipe instruments through, I have no idea how it works, but it was cool). There were a lot of people there, but I don't think many of them were really getting into it. I mean, some of their songs are very danceable, but not many people were moving around (damn hipster douchebags!). Anyway, I think that was their last concert in the states, and I'm glad I got the chance to see them (and for only $15 too!).


Beth said...

Nic wanted to see them when they were in Seattle but I was out of town.

Brad De Gregorio said...

You're such a ball and chain, Beth!