Monday, April 10, 2006

I watched Crash tonight. Kelly could only stand about 40 minutes of it. It was all about how shitty life is with prejudice, so it was depressing and boring. I say boring because it was the same old stuff I heard in my freshman diversity seminar in college. But I did learn some things...

Top 5 lessons I learned from Crash:

1. Never pick up hitchhikers
2. Don't be an asshole if you're asking someone for a favor.
3. If your lock is broken, fix the damn thing yourself.
4. Never, ever live in L.A.
5. If I wanted to see a bunch of famous actors playing people with fucked up lives connecting through a series of coincidences, I'll watch Magnolia, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I thought crash was horrible. I did see "thank you for smoking" last night and thought it was pretty funny.