Thursday, April 20, 2006

Had a bit of a scare today. When I turned my laptop on this morning, it wouldn't start up all the way. It just sat there with a blank screen and the hard drive light was lit up, like it was just spinning the drive but not doing anything. After a while I remembered that yesterday I told my computer to run disk check next time it starts up. But it's still scary to look at a blank laptop like that. I find that as I'm writing my dissertation, I'm becoming more paranoid about the little fits and spurts that my laptop throws. It already takes about 5-10 minutes every day before the backlight turns on and illuminates the LCD screen. I just don't have another $1000 to throw at new laptop, as nice as that may be.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Today, I was working on my thesis all day, and then I left to get some dinner. As I was driving home, I suddenly panicked that I hadn't backed up my files in a day or two. When I came back and the monitor seemed to take an extra second to wake up, my heart skipped a beat.

This thesis will be the death of me.