Thursday, April 03, 2003

Oh we got a new month on our hands now! I thought it might rain yesterday, but it didn't. No April showers mean no May flowers, but we'll have plenty of beautiful desert wildflowers anyway. I guess I'm in a better mood, even though I'm really busy now. My parents decided to cancel their phone service (read "not pay their phone bill") and go completely wireless, so anyone who wants to call me has to use (480) 215-2918. Now they want to get cable internet (without the cable) so that my mom can surf the web and decide what cabinets she wants. I talked to the cable america guy and got them a great deal, and the cable guy is coming to install everything next Saturday. However, my parents have to get their act in gear before then and buy the router and ethernet cables, not to mention move the cable jack into the study and drill a hole for the ethernet cable down into my room directly below. Plus, all this is going on while I am moving things from my room into my brother's old room (all by myself, I might add). I can only do a little bit each time I go home, but it's coming along.

But the hardest part of all it figuring out what to get Kelly for our anniversary...

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