Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I was at Fry's Electronics this weekend picking up a cheap USB drive so that Kelly's parents can backup their computer (even though it turns out that their backup software won't recognize a USB drive under 8GB! Stupid OneCare!), when I noticed a demo for a Playstation 2 game called Guitar Hero. It's a typical timing game, where you have to press a combination of buttons when they appear on the screen, but I've heard alot about it recently (like "Best game of the year" kind of talk). Oh, and did I mention you use a plastic guitar as the controller! So I tried out the demo for like a minute and it made me giddy. For a game that looks so stupid and sounds rediculous on paper, it is unbelievably fun to play.

Well, Kelly and I were trying to figure out what to do on the fourth of July because she had the day off. So I went and bought the game. Then Tracy and James were in town, so they came over and helped us rock out. It was so much fun! I like playing Iron Man by Black Sabbath, but Kelly's favorite is More than a Feeling by Boston. We beat all the songs on easy mode pretty quickly, but started to get stuck on some of them on medium difficulty. I guess we need to practice more!

1 comment:

C said...

Funny, never figured you for the air guitar type! I'll mail you a big red bandana for that Poison/Axl Rose Big hair effect!