Saturday, February 25, 2006

I'm at the synchrotron again, but an exciting thing happened to me today.

I went into the city (New York City, that is) because I had a free day. I walked around 5th avenue in midtown, past some fancy stores, past the Sirius studios, past Trump Tower, past NBC studios, and past Rockefeller Center. Then I headed over to the Museum of Modern Art, which was fucking amazing! I definitely recommend it, especially if you like Picasso (I don't), because they have shitloads of it. There's some pretty weird stuff there too.

After MoMA, I started walking south again back towards Penn Station, but west of 5th Avenue so see something new. I passed on intersection with a bunch of italian restaurants, and then a few minutes later you will never guess who I ran into...

Michael Imperioli.

That's right, Christopher from the Sopranos. He was with a few other people, probably family members, and probably heading out to eat, so that's one reason I didn't say anything. The second was I couldn't recall the guy's name! There's also that split second reaction of "Oh shit, don't piss off the mafia guy!" So, even though I had my camera with me, I didn't get any proof that it was really him, but it so was.

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