Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Walking down to Student Services and back is unpleasant during the summer, but it pisses me off when I have to do it and end up accomplishing nothing. That happened yesterday when I tried to register for my one research credit. ASU decided that any grad student getting TA/RA money must be registered for at least one credit during that semester, even summer sessions. Unfortunately, they didn't get the new summer session tuition wavers into the computer system until after Field Camp began. So now I'm trying to register for my one credit late. I had to fill out this special form and get Jim Tyburczy (the dept. chair) to sign it. Then the academic advisor told me to take it to the registrar in Student Services. When I finally got there the registrar told me no way; I needed a CLAS dean's signature. So I had to walk there and back for nothing.

Turns out, I do need a dean's signature. But stupid Carol Comito (who is now on my Do Not Trust Because of Incompetence List) didn't know that. So I today I walked to the new Foundation building, which is north of University, to get that done. Then I had to walk all the way to south campus to Student Services again. Now I'm back in F-wing, where I have to call Sun-Dial to hold my classes with financial aid. That's one hell of a trip.

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