Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm sick today. I was sick yesterday too. It sucks because I'm trying to put together my talk for LPSC, which I will be practicing on Tuesday, and it's difficult to concentrate. Kelly makes me feel better, though. She is supposed to go to Ajo this weekend to work on a job. I'm not sure how long she'll be gone, but I'll be in Houston before she gets back. I miss her already.

So this woman named Raffaela De Gregorio has emailed me a couple times. She's a nursing student in La Jolla, CA, and she wanted to know where I was from. That's a pretty vague question from a stranger over the internet, so I gave her an equally vague answer. Her email didn't seem like spam or a con, so I thought it was OK to reply as long as I don't give out any important information. Apparently, her father is from Naples and she is a first generation American, which is kinda cool. That's about all I know for now.

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