Thursday, December 09, 2004

I just finished and turned in my GLG598 paper. I wrote up my experiment looking for C, N, S, and P using the SIMS at ASU. I found all of those elements, which is awesome 'cuz I wasn't expecting to find anything, so I concluded that the carbonaceous material in the Apex chert is biogenic, which suggests that the 3.5 Ga microbe-looking features are real microfossils. I came in early to ASU today so I could finish my paper by the 3PM due data, but now that my paper is turned in, I'm going to fuck off the rest of the day!

1 comment:

jamielc said...

Hi, BDG.
I thought after months (years?) of lurking on your blog, I should alert you to my presence. You'd be surprised about how many ex-Chapinos are out there.
I hope life is happy. And, not that this will be much of a surprise, but me and the man-o-Steele are getting married in June. :)