Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I got to see Brad this weekend. We had to hang out with a student that stayed behind at Camp Tontozona which took away from the Brad and Kelly time that I thought we were going to have, but that's ok. He was nice. Due to all of the recent construction, Brad has to re-map highway 260 on the quadrangle. The new road is wider which makes sectors smaller. AND they've totally bulldozed the horribly difficult basement/Martin contact that was north of 260 and east of the fish hatchery road. I can't believe it! Arrrgh! Everybody should have to struggle with that. That was the hardest contact to map. Anyway, I worried about Brad being on the side of the highway while mapping the new route. But he did ok. The students' first sector was due last night so he probably graded all day today. I'll talk with him again tonight, I hope. So far, he's having a good time being away from the heat and surrounded with cool geology.

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