Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Mike Stevens is on my shit list. I was supposed to have a late-nite TEM session tonight, but this bastard has signed up for tonight and tomorrow night. I don't know who he is, but I hate him. I wish public humiliation on him and his kin. Maybe boils or something biblical like that. A plague of frogs or termites might be cool. I don't want him dead though. First off, I'm not an inhuman monster. Second, it's much better to see them suffer than to put them out of their misery.

So what's the plan, you ask? I'm signed up for a session on wednesday next week. And one the monday after. Tom and I may do one this Sunday, but neither him nor I want to give up our weekend. Saturday is bad because it's Grady's birthday (Tom's son). Why can't we just have our own TEM? Then we could use it whenever we wanted.

By the way, you can only sign up for two sessions, and I already have two nice times picked out. I wasn't about to give one up for half of a shitty evening session. But I ran the risk and lost. Fuck Mike Stevens!

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