Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Ahem. Bonjour. Je m'appelle Bradley. Je suis americain. J'habite a Mesa, Arizona. Comment vous appelez-vous? Comment allez-vous? Je vais tres bien. Et vous?

I am now being hassled by "the Man", otherwise known as (AKA) MR. BLOGGER. Sure, sure... it all sounds like such a phony conspiracy. I can just hear y'all saying "You're just making it all up, Brad." I know how you guys think. "Always with another CRAZY theory." Well, let me tell you this. You'll all feel pretty silly when I turn up dead in my office with a sticker on my pale, bloated corpse. Maybe I should call this "bradophrenia" instead of "bradvertise", because I'm feeling a little John Nash today.

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