Friday, January 06, 2006

I'll admit it. I've purchased ringtones and wallpapers for my phone, mainly because my newest cell phone had few good default choices. Yes they are a ripoff, but if you're into art (both modern and classic) two really good wallpaper services are START Mobile and Pixurez. The former has more good art (including kozyndan and Braveland Design!) than the latter, but Pixurez does have Junko Mizuno. I just wish START Mobile was available to Verizon Wireless customers like me, but I guess that keeps me from wasting my money on overpriced, low resolution images.

Most ringtone sites are pretty similar, but the polyphonic tones from YAMAHA seem to be of slightly higher quality than the rest. Unfortunately, they don't have Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

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