Friday, December 09, 2005

I've been feeling shitty all week. I thought I got over the cold, but I've had headaches, a sore throat, and have been stuffed up all week. I wonder if I have allergies or something. They did just start the cotton harvest. The thing that makes me feel the best when I'm like this are menthol cough drops. I thought I had some at ASU, but I must have used them all up. I'll pick some up at the MU.

My tech review is coming along nicely, I think. It's weird to put all the work I've done into some sort of coherent framework. I'm trying not to worry that my committee may just bash the whole thing and give me a bunch of extra work to do.

The Geology holiday "party" is this afternoon in the F-wing lobby. They set up a bunch of food and candy, but it's been getting worse every year. I mean, who eats rolled up deli meats anymore? Maybe this year will be better. I could use a good cookie now.

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