Monday, May 23, 2005

I promised details and I haven't delivered on that yet. I don't really have time to write about everything--it was such an action-packed week--but I'll summarize the highlights.

Friday - begin the all-night drive at 3 in the afternoon
Saturday - have been driving for 12 hours, through New Mexico in the pitch black night; Kelly finally takes over at 4AM in Colorado Springs; reach Grand Forks by 7PM; have an awesome burger at The Blue Moose as a reward.
Sunday - family stuff; Taco John's is awesome!
Monday - more family stuff; found a bunch of woods ticks around Devil's Lake that we find on ourselves for days to come; make it to Minot
Tuesday - visit awesome mineral collection in Parshall, ND; pissed that so many unique specimens have been ground into polished spheres; visit both North and South Units of Teddy Roosevelt National Park; see lignite in place for the first time; tons of buffalo; stay in Medora, the North Dakota equivalent of Tombstone
Wednesday - visit Devil's Tower; see a bunch of active coal mines along the highway; stay in Cheyenne
Thursday - go to Sierra Trading Post store in Cheyenne; eat lunch at Casa Bonita in downtown Denver, as featured in a South Park episode; can't believe that place actually exists; enjoy awesome mountain views along I-70; reach Moab, but can't find an empty campsite or motel room; end up in a handicapped room at fourth hotel checked; Kelly totally pissed at me
Friday - see Valley of the Gods and Goosenecks of the San Juan River; drive home

1 comment:

NPH said...

I was pissed at you because of your erratic, unsafe driving. Who does a 5 point u-turn in the middle of a highway - honestly!?!