Friday, October 01, 2004

Kelly and I watched the first presidential debate last night. Kerry came off looking pretty good, in my opinion. He stood up straight and was very clear and direct. Bush was slouching the whole time, and he kept rambling and looking at the audience like "Come on. I know what I'm doing, so just let me do it" with that stupid smirk on his face. The big difference I see between the two is that Kerry wants to get the hell out of Iraq as soon as possible, and Bush wants to stay there. Bush kept saying that we have to stay until the job is done, or else the terrorists win. Iraq can't be won. You can't kill all the terrorists. We just need to make sure Iraq can stand on it's own and then get out of there. It's not our country, so we shouldn't try to turn it into another USA. It just won't happen. Let Iraq manage Iraq, not Halliburton.

Sorry for getting so political. I'll try not to let it happen again...until next Friday.

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